More facts about delta-8 pre-rolls

Delta 8 pre rolls

The product that inspired this article is a strain of cannabis called ‘Delta-8’. This potent cannabis comes from the cannabis plant, which THC extraction processes have treated. 


Delta 8 THC effects: Delta 8 refers to delta-nine tetrahydrocannabinol, one of at least 85 cannabinoids identified in cannabis. Delta 8, also called D8T and delta eight pre-rolls, is an exogenous cannabinoid similar to ∆9 THC but with a propyl side chain instead of a pentyl group on the molecule. According to older studies, its affinity for CB1 receptors is about 5x lower than that of ∆9-THC; however, more recent literature suggests only slightly less affinity for CB1 sites than THC. 


Delta 8 THC is a Schedule I controlled substance in Florida and illegal to grow, sell or possess without a license as it is not one of the 50 fundamental herbs recognized by Colorado as covered under Amendment 20. However, Delta 8 should be expected to produce virtually identical psychoactive and physical effects as classical high-THC strains; these include sedation, pain relief (particularly for neuropathic pain), appetite stimulation, nausea suppression, and euphoria. As such, this makes Delta 8 worthwhile as an antiemetic for those undergoing chemotherapy. The lack of CB1 affinity theoretically allows D8T to act as an antagonist at CB2 receptors; however, no research has been conducted into its effect at these receptor sites. Further research on the subject is necessary to determine any possible medical qualities. Find more here 

Delta 8 pre rolls


D8 THC effects: Delta 8 Tetrahydrocannabinol (or D8THC for short) is a double bond isomer of tetrahydrocannabinol, meaning that it contains a higher molecular weight by one CH2 group. It has the same effects as THC but with an overall greater potency and duration of action. There have been no studies into its toxicity in humans, so at this time, there is no data available on whether it may pose long-term health risks when consumed orally or otherwise introduced into the body. According to some more recent literature, Appleton et al. claim that delta 8 THC is thought to be approximately 5x less potent than delta 9 THC.


Delta 8thc dispensary: Delta 8 THC can provide pain relief without mental clouding or lethargy, making it suitable for daytime use. Consequently, many patients find it helpful in treating pain and inflammation without resorting to pharmaceuticals, which can have several unwanted side effects.


Delta 8 THC oil: Delta 8 THC is not currently available from dispensaries in Colorado. The state has no specific prohibition on delta 8, but it falls under the same blanket restriction as all derivatives based on marijuana extracts (including CBD oils). This means that if delta-8 THC were to be approved for use by the state’s medical program, it would still need to go through formal FDA testing and approval before being added to any retail dispensary or manufacturer’s product line.