Learn About How Much Melanotan Should I Take? And The Benefits Of Using It

Learn About How Much Melanotan Should I Take? And The Benefits Of Using It

Until recently, pale white skin was one of the beautiful concepts, but now having a lovely tanned body is what people prefer, especially women. Getting a tan means spending a lot of time on the beach out on Sun and go to spas to get artificial tanning that has been proved to be having negative effects on the body.

 Melanotan, a synthetic hormone, is injected into the skin to encourage the skin’s melanin increase. This gives your body an overall healthy tan without any side effects. But if you have a question of how much melanotan should i take? It needs a detailed study.

How does Melanotan work?

The peptides naturally enhance any UV rays exposure to your skin and are completely safe to use. The endless hours you have spent under the Sun or on a tanning bed is also not necessary. This is a completely natural way of getting a beautiful tan on your entire body.

how much melanotan should i take

Charge your body with melanin effortlessly and stunningly. No more sunburns or getting your skin cells damaged with artificial tanning. Use Melanotan to get that perfect looking tanned body.

The benefits of using Melanotan

Using random things that are marketed just for money is not a very advisable thing to do. Melanotan has several benefits, and you can go through a few benefits to decide whether you need to take these or any other product from the market:

  • Limited exposure to ultraviolet rays: you need not get exposed to long periods of UV rays to get a tan; by using this, there is very limited exposure to UV rays.
  • The skin is protected against damage: when getting yourself exposed to UV rays, it damages your skin; using Melanotan protects your skin against these damages as you are not exposed to the ultraviolet rays.
  • Your tan lasts longer: the beautiful tan you get by using Melanotan lasts for months without getting exposed to the Sun even if you stop taking medication entirely.

The correct dosage of Melanotan

The most frequently asked question is, how much melanotan should i takeSo let’s get to the dosage part:

Melanotan needs constant therapy to be effective; once you have got your tan to your expectations, you still need to be going to the sessions. But if, for any reason, you have stopped your treatment and your maintenance doses, you will still be having your wonderful tanned body for months together.

The Melanotan comes as a freeze-dried powder and is stored in a sterile 10 ml vials. If you want to use this, you need to mix this powder with sterile water.

The mixture you want to use is prepared by mixing the freeze-dried powder one to two ml of sterile water. Always use the correct dosage to achieve the best results.

How to start your first dosage? 

When starting with your initial doses, you need to keep it to the minimum because you need to be sure that your body doesn’t react negatively to this medicine.

Before lying down on tanning beds or lying under the sun for long hours and getting yourself sunburns, it is good that you study about this product and consult your doctor if it can be recommended for you.