
A Brief Evolution of Health

Estimated read time 3 min read

Basically everyone has a different opinion on health. It’s been that way for centuries. Thankfully as a whole, we’ve come a long way and we are no longer using the same ridiculous methods physicians would use in ancient and medieval times. Who ever thought that letting a person bleed out would cure them of a blood condition or blood born disease?

In fact, people used to think that disease was spread through bad odors. Thankfully, we now know better and are able to cure many diseases through the use of antibiotics and other health practices. Let’s take a brief stroll down healthcare lane and see how far we’ve come.

The Middle Ages

During Medieval times, antibiotics had yet to be discovered. Everything healthcare wise was usually addressed by the church through cleansings, prayer, and fasting. Often it was thought that disease was a condition brought on my sins of the soul.

Healthcare was only for the wealthy, there was no anesthesia for surgeries, remedies were usually herb based, but sometimes included things like urine, poop and ground up worms. Surgery was always thought of as a last resort and often caused more death than healings.

Hygiene was very poor during these days, which ultimately led to the spreading of horrible diseases that led to the wipe out of almost a third of the population of Europe. Over 20 million people died of the Bubonic Plague in just a 5 year period during the middle Ages.

Modern Medicine

Thankfully, things have changed significantly since this time. It is no longer a belief that bloodletting will cure one of their illness, and it’s common knowledge that proper hygiene care is effective in limiting of the spread of illness.

Today we know that wellness is a combination of diet, environment and exercise, among other things. talks about the importance of medicine today and how multifaceted our health actually is. It involves a mixture of brain health, podiatric health (foot health), chiropractic health, as well as diet and nutrition.

We are extremely complex beings, and to ignore one area of health is to not understand health as a whole. Modern medicine is great at understanding how everything works together. That is one of the main differences between healthcare in the Middle ages verses today.

To learn even more about modern health and how preventative health care can help you, simply do a little more research. You might find that the answer all your healthcare needs lies in one of the many facets of what we now understand modern medicine to be.


What to Eat for a Healthy Brain?

Estimated read time 3 min read

According to the health studies, the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease is increasing in the State of America. The diseases about which we care are obesity, coronary heart diseases and diabetes. Alzheimer’s disease is increasing at an alarming pace and the better part is that it is preventable. You can reverse the process by eating the right foods. In the recent studies, it has become clear that food can make a significant effect on our body. You may have heard that we are what we eat.

In order to keep your brain healthy, you must concentrate on those food items which can make a positive impact on your brain and simultaneously assist in maintaining the ideal body weight. You may need a higher dosage of krill oil. These foods will also prevent you from diabetes and it comes in the category of anti-inflammatory foods. There are several studies which have shown that inflammation of tissues of various organs can be cured by eating these foods. You cannot see or feel the inflammation of your tissues, but due to refined foods and artificial ingredients present in the packaged food items, you have become prone to inflammatory diseases.

Anti-inflammatory foods will protect your concentration and prevent you from Alzheimer’s disease. They foods are good at controlling obesity and diabetes. Obesity itself is a big problem and opens various doors to several other diseases.

healthy Brain

You may have heard that omega-3 fatty acids which are available in salmon and tuna. If you consume it regularly 2 to 3 times every week. They can reduce the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease up to 40%. Now there is a question why it can affect 40% only that is because the brain’s cells have 40% fatty acids. This will also benefit the tissues of your joints and strengthen your heart muscles.


According to a study which was conducted on woman revealed that women who were consuming Broccoli, cauliflower, and kale on a regular basis managed to reduce their brain age for two years. These vegetables are full of vitamin C and caroteniod. You can opt for colorful vegetables like, orange, yellow and purple.This will provide you good production from free radicals as well as give you anti-inflammatory benefits. It is up to you whether, you consume these vegetables raw or steamed.

Good Oils

Walnuts, almonds, avocados and olive oil are rich in vitamins E. If you consume these items on a daily basis, then it will reduce the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease up to 67%. Dark chocolate which has good percentage of cocoa will also give you good protection because it has good amount of flavonoids and antioxidants. You need a higher dosage of krill oil to maintain the health of your brain and reverse the aging process.


You may have heard about the benefits of consuming fiber. The brain is dependent on blood glucose to function properly and high fiber foods will maintain your level of blood sugar.


There is a research which suggests consuming three apples every day. This will give you numerous benefits like controlling your weight,stabilizing the blood sugar level and provide you good amount of fiber with antioxidants. On the other hand juices of apples are not as effective as the fruit is in its original form.


Five Steps to Getting Healthy For the New Year

Estimated read time 3 min read

Another year is just around the corner and it is time to start thinking about New Year’s resolutions. Making resolutions isn’t something most wise people will suggest you to do though; instead it’s smarter to make actual life changes. That’s because most people fail quickly at their resolutions, with only eight percent achieving theirs.

Whether it’s a resolution or you simply want to be a better and healthier person, there are some things you can do in order to be a healthier person, no matter what time of the year it is. If you want to be a happier and healthier individual, follow these steps.

Clear Your Mind and Soul

The first step at getting healthier for the New Year is to get your mind focused on being healthy and happy. It is not that difficult to clear your mind, start doing some regular meditation or yoga to help your get more focused. You’ll find that you quickly find your days more relaxed.

Start Eating Better

Your next step is to start eating a better diet. Cleaner and healthier food choices will not just help your body, but they will help your mind as well. You want to get enough vitamins and minerals so that you are promoting health throughout your body. And get off of the sugar addiction, which can mess with your ability to think clearly and more.

Schedule a Fitness Routine

Your healthy diet isn’t the only thing your body needs in order to be at its healthiest, you also need to get the right amount of physical fitness. Your fitness routine can be simple, like a daily walk or yoga session. If you are extremely driven you can join a gym, or buy some fitness equipment to use in your home.

Cut the Bad Habits

If your new year’s resolution involves getting a new job, or simply being healthy, it’s time to drop the bad habits. New jobs often do drug testing, so it’s a good time to kick those bad habits. That includes quitting smoking and cutting back on your alcohol consumption. Think health and happiness with a natural high from fitness and a healthy diet instead of inhibitors.

Develop Some Healthy Relationships

Another thing that many people don’t think about when it comes to living a healthier and happier life is the people that they surround themselves with. Toxic people can suck your happiness away, and they can make it hard to live a good life. Take some time to look at the people in your life and don’t be afraid to let go of those that don’t do anything to help you better yourself.

You can be happier and healthier, you just need to know the right steps to get there, and then take them!


5 Tips for Healthy and Young Looking Skin

Estimated read time 3 min read

If you’ve been battling acne or any other skin conditions on your face for multiple years now, it can be worrisome not knowing if your skin will ever look healthy and young again. As we age, scars become more permanent, light and dark spots begin appearing, elasticity is lost, and wrinkles get deeper. Indeed, it can seem like there’s just so much to contend with on such a small but crucial part of your appearance, your face. Fortunately, there are a lot of little ways that you can slow down the aging process and keep your skin healthy without the need for any cosmetic procedures. Here are five tips for healthy and younger looking skin.

Stay hydrated. It may seem like a tired mantra, but it’s absolutely true – staying hydrated is the key to health and longevity. It just so happens that one of the places that we see dehydration most clearly is in the face. If you’re not drinking plenty of water and hydrating your skin withface cream from time to time, your skin will quickly lose its glow. This is because when you’re hydrated, toxins get flushed and everything is moving. When you’re dehydrated, toxins stagnate and camp out in clusters all over your face, creating visible imbalances in your skin.

Want to really get rid of the dirt and oil on your skin? You’re going to need to exfoliate on a regular basis. Exfoliating scrubs are filled with salts and other minerals that scrub and absorb all of the dirt and oil on your skin. It’s like polishing your face. You will immediately notice a huge difference in the look and feel of your skin after you exfoliate. Just be sure to moisturize afterwards so that your skin doesn’t get too dried out.

Don’t touch your face. Your hands are by far the dirtiest part of your body. With all of the things that they touch all day, the last thing you want to be touching is your face. The skin on your face is delicate and extremely vulnerable to dirt and bacteria. If your face is itching or sore in any way, try to make contact with the backs of your fingers or knuckles, rather than the tips.

Wear sunscreen. It may seem unnecessary, but you want to be wearing a light sunscreen on your face every day – at least SPF 15. The sun does the most amount of damage to our faces, and sometimes that damage can be dormant for years. There are all kinds of makeup and other skin products out there that are made with SPF 15 or higher. You can consult with someone fromVitacell, LLC to find out exactly which products are best for your skin.

Avoid or minimize makeup. If you feel comfortable, try giving your face a break for a day or two and don’t wear makeup. When you wear makeup, you clog your pores and increase the amount of bacteria that’s living on your skin. The thinner your layer of makeup the better. Also, try to take your makeup off once you get home and never go to sleep wearing makeup.


Health benefits of uses of Spearmint essential oil

Estimated read time 3 min read

Spearmint oil is actually extracted by the steam distillation of flowering tops of the plant leaves. It is generally used for flavouring, cooking, emotional wellness, digestive support, and also immune support of the humans. Now, it has been most commonly used for the flavouring in toothpaste and candies. However, there are so many therapeutic benefits available in this spearmint essential oil.

Primary health benefits:

Spearmint oil helps reducing irregular stomach upset and also promotes human digestion process.

Gives a refreshing aroma which clears the mind and enhances the mood.

Promotes dental health.

Maintains healthy respiratory function.

The health benefits and spearmint oil uses can be featured to its properties as an antispasmodic, antiseptic, cephalic, carminative, restorative, stimulant substance, emenagogue, and insecticide.

Even though its aroma is same as the peppermint due to the availability of menthol, its menthol content is minor as compared to the peppermint oil. Spearmint has been the suitable substitute for the peppermint available to provide similar medical benefits when peppermint is not available.

Emotionally, spearmint essential oil can help improving the person’s mood, especially if they are suffering from the mental exhaustion, anxiety, stress, or depression. It can be revitalizing, energizing, and also encouraging your mind and relax it. Many people feel it inspires a mind confidence and sharpness in sharing their thoughts or putting themselves on a particular work.

The humans can make use of this spearmint oil blended well with the lavender, rosemary, peppermint, and basil essential oils for the most effective relaxing benefits.

Uses of spearmint essential oil:

The spearmint oil uses extend beyond the medicine cabinet and the kitchen. For instance, this essential oil can be used to help relaxing the human mind or to encourage positive emotions. Some of those specific uses of spearmint essential oil are listed here.

Aromatherapy oil –Because of the menthol content in the spearmint oil, it is frequently used in the aromatherapy to help treat headaches, fatigue, digestive problems, migraines, and even nervousness.

Food ingredient –Essential oil of spearmint is sometimes added to frozen dairy, baked goods, chewing gum, meats, and beverages. However, it is better off consuming raw foods or whole than such processed ones.

Ingredient in pharmaceutical items –Spearmint oil is often added to the gargles, tooth pastes, and tooth powders for the refreshing feel.

Fragrance –This spearmint essential oil is added to particular types of perfumes. It is generally mixed with other herbs like lavender, jasmine, sandalwood, and bergamot.

Disinfectant –It can be used to treat external and internal infections including syphilis, scabies, dermatitis, and any other transmittable conditions.

Massage oil –With the anti-spasmodic properties in the spearmint oil, it can help relieve muscle pain and abdominal pain due to women’s menstruation.

Bath oil –When spearmint oil added to the bath water, it can encourage relaxation and will cool humans off by reducing their body temperature.

Insecticide –This essential oil can ward off infective mosquitoes and other insects. Thus, spearmint oil is frequently added to the insect repellents, fumigants, mats, and creams.