What is thread lift, surgery, and after surgery procedures

Facial Thread Lift

Thread lift surgery is a less invasive alternative to facelift surgery. Lift threads claim to tighten the skin by inserting a medical-grade thread material into the face and then “pulling” the skin tightening the facial Thread Lift.

What exactly is a thread lift?

A thread lift, also known as a barbed suture lift, is a cosmetic procedure used to lift and shape the face or chest. Lift threads “sew” the skin back together with temporary medical-grade suture material. Thread lifters have been around since the 1990s, but advancements in the material used for threaded lifters have resulted in a surge in popularity in recent years.

The average thread lift candidate is between the ages of 30 and 50. A person fit and healthy also is just beginning to find the signs of aging that can benefit from the delicate influence of facial Thread Lift. Those who undergo a surgical facelift due to medical conditions that make general anesthesia dangerous should consider a thread lift as a safer alternative.

Facial Thread Lift

The procedure of thread lift:

The lifting procedure may differ slightly depending on the area you are targeting and the preferences of your supplier.

  1. The fundamental technique is generally the same. While preparing your skin for surgery, starts with alcohol and a topical anesthetic.
  2. The threads will be inserted under the skin using a fine needle or cannula. Inserting the wires could take 30 to 45 minutes.
  3. Once after the insertion of the thread, then remove the inserted lift thread. Under the skin, you may feel slight pressure or tightening.
  4. Remove the needle within a few minutes after the procedure completes, and you will be able to go home.

What should you expect after a thread lift?

The recovery time following a successful thread lift is short. Even if there is swelling and visible bruising, you can return to work right away if you wish. Results should be visible soon after thread insertion, but you may notice more in the days and weeks following thread insertion as swelling and bruising subside.

The outcomes of a thread lift are not to be permanent. Successful effects typically last one to three years. You can resume your usual routine after a thread lift. For the first few weeks after the procedure, your doctor may advise you not to rub your face vigorously and avoid sleeping on your side. Additionally, advised to avoid saunas and high-intensity workouts for the first week or so after the thread lift.