Lifestyle Changes for Treating Erectile Dysfunction

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Erectile dysfunction is a medical condition that is found in men of all ages, however, the chances of developing erectile dysfunction usually increase as men age. Although there are hundreds of causes of erectile dysfunction, however, below are the most common causes we find out:

  • Certain medications. Especially those that affect blood flow.
  • Chronic diseases such as multiple sclerosis or diabetes.
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol.
  • Poor blood flow.
  • Obesity.
  • Chronic stress.

However, all the reasons mentioned above point out to an unhealthy lifestyle that results in numerous diseases and erectile dysfunction is only one of them. A study suggests that erectile dysfunction can be a risk factor for heart disease, often appearing as much as five years prior to being diagnosed with a heart problem. Another study by Stephen L. Kopecky, MD, a cardiologist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, featured in Archives of Internal Medicine says that the risk factors for erectile dysfunction and narrowing of heart arteries are almost really the same: lack of physical activity, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, smoking, high blood cholesterol, and poor dietary habits. The researcher suggests that just the way one can treat their heart diseases with simple lifestyle changes, the same changes can help one treat his erectile dysfunction.

For those who are averse of medication for treating their erectile dysfunction, simple lifestyle changes can be the best possible option. Instead, more and more doctors now suggest that it is vital for men suffering from erectile dysfunction to bring major lifestyle changes before going for medical treatment, herbal remedies or quitting a prescription medication that they suspect might be causing erectile dysfunction.

Like many other medical conditions, there is no one way to cure or at least reduce the impact of erectile dysfunction. Therefore, below is a rundown on a few lifestyle changes which if carried out with dedication and in combination, can have a significantly positive impact. Read more to know the medical conditions and available potions for treatment.

Regular Exercise: Regular exercise has already been proven to help improve overall health. But for patients of erectile dysfunction, the resulting improved blood pressure, blood flow, and other health benefits can significantly reduce erectile dysfunction.

Healthy Food Intake: Just like exercise, healthy food intake can help reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease problems, and clogged arteries which are known risk factors for erectile dysfunction.

Cutting Alcohol Intake and Quitting Smoking: Smoking and Alcohol consumption both can cause many health problems, including erectile dysfunction. Reducing or quitting smoking and alcohol can greatly reduce erectile dysfunction.

Controlling Stress: Stress can trigger erectile dysfunction and numerous other sexual performance issues. Stress is a part of most people’s daily life, be it from finances, work, or relationship troubles. Anyone experiencing erectile dysfunction needs to find ways to cope with such issues to help reduce their stress level.

Continuing Sexual Activities: Stimulating sexual activities that result even in partial erections can have a significantly positive impact on erectile dysfunction. The boost in blood flow to the penis can clear the blocked arteries and stimulate function over time.

John stark,

John stark, doctor, philanthropist, fitness freak takes this platform to share his knowledge to everyone. This blogs enlightens you about fitness and its importance on life.

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